The Road to Warsaw, 1655

A Scenario for While the Devil Rules


August, 1655. After Sweden's initial invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, King Charles has set up camp at Kolo. Here. John Casimir II attempts to negotiate terms to avoid further conflict. When these talks fail, he fights a rear-guard action to delay the Swedish advance on Warsaw, hoping to buy time to recruit allies. The Polish forces are a mix of professional mercenaries and the Royal army, and whatever local forces can be induced to fight. Against them, the Swedes have mustered a better-quality force. Here, the Swedish advance guard runs into Polish resistance. (This scenario is loosely based on the Battle of Sabota.)

The Tabletop

The woods are rough and provide cover. The hill is smooth and blocks LOS, and gives an uphill benefit in combat, but does not impede movement.

Armies will set up behind the dotted lines, as indicated. Polish forces may set up concealed, and will be revealed only if they move or fire, or come within LOS of a Swedish unit.

Orders of Battle

Swedish (Breakpoint 34, Army Rating Average)

Arvid Wirtenberg von Debern: Overall Commander, +1

    Regular Infantry: 3 Dutch Battalions @ 3 bases

    Regimental Guns: 2 units Light Artillery @ 1 base

Captain Jacob Wrangel: Division Commander

    Tott's Cuirassier Regiment: 2 Cuirassier units @ 2 bases

    Uppland Cavalry Regiment: 3 Reiter units @ 2 bases

    Attached Musketeers: 1 unit Commanded Shot @ 2 bases

    Regimental Guns: 1 unit Light Artillery @ 1 base

Captain Hans Holzmueller: Division Commander

    Regular Infantry: 1 Dutch Battalion @ 3 bases

    Viborgs Cavalry Regiment: 2 Reiter units @ 2 bases

    Smaland Dragoons: 2 units Dragoons @ 1 base

    Field Guns: 1 unit Medium Artillery @ 1 base

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Breakpoint 33, Army Rating Average)

John Casimir II: Overall Commander, +1

    Winged Hussars: 1 unit Lancers @ 2 bases

    Pancierni Cossacks: 3 units Reiters @ 2 bases

    Cossack Light Horse: 1 unit Irregular Light Horse @ 3 bases

    Polish Dragoons: 1 company of Dragoons @ 1 base

    Regimental Guns: 1 unit Light Artillery @ 1 base

Rotamaster Gostomski: Division Commander, +1

    Haiduk Infantry: 2 units Streltzy @ 2 bases

    Haiduk Riflemen: 1 unit Forlorn Hope @ 1 base

    Peasant Militia: 1 unit Levy @ 2 bases

    Registered Cossacks: 1 unit Streltzy @ 2 bases

    Wallachian Light Horse: 1 unit Irregular Light Horse @ 3 bases

    Field Guns: 1 unit Medium Artillery @ 1 base

Rotamaster Slabowski: Division Commander

    Rajtars: 2 units Reiters @ 2 bases

    German Infantry: 1 Dutch Battalion @ 3 bases

    German Dragoons: 1 unit Dragoons @ 1 base

    Regimental Guns: 1 unit Light Artillery @ 1 base

Victory Conditions

The Swedes are the Attacker in this scenario. The Swedish side wins if they can exit 4 non-light units off the eastern edge of the table. Otherwise, the armies are rated Average, and will count 3 points against their Breakpoint for each base destroyed, with the destroyed army losing.