You have been given a mission to conduct a sweep through the area around Villa Nueva in advance of the main British army, to determine if ay significant enemy forces are present. You must search Antigua Cuidad Romana (an old roman villa, now occupied by some local peasants), Villa Nueva itself, the nearby ruins of a castle (the "Torre de Caballeros"), and the Iglesia de la Santisima Trinidad.
Any minor enemy outposts or forces you encounter should be engaged and destroyed, and all possible intelligence collected regarding enemy plans and forces. After a sweep of the named settlements, you must report back to your superiors behind British lines before a general advance by the army, planned for the following day. If any of the local guerillas are encountered, they are to be encouraged to join forces and assisted in any reasonable fashion.
The map below shows the general area:
Command of the mission is split between two officers, both Captains: Herr Ernst von Franckendorff and Lord Thomas, 4th Baron of Wentworth. Each commands two detachments of light troops:
Detachment, Light Company, South Essex: 21 Light infantry, Average, musket-armed (officer with sword and pistol)
Detachment, 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles: 15 riflemen, Veteran, armed with Baker rifles (officer with sword and pistol)
Detachment, Brunswick Oels Jagers: 18 Jagers, Veteran, armed with Baker rifles (officer with sword and pistol)
Detachment, Brunswick Oels Hussars: 12 Hussars, Average, armed with sabres and pistols